Friday, June 13, 2008

something that will never make sense to me

I'm going to piggyback on Chappell's post about driving with headphones. There are a lot of things that confuse me, like why Kettle Chips aren't sold at every single store within a walking distance of me. However, one thing that really befuddles me is when I see people wearing sweaters, sweatshirts, or JEANS when it is literally 100 degrees outside. We live in Texas. HELLO! Sweatshirts are not going to cut it for me. Also frustrating is when people wear tube tops or sundresses in the winter. I mean, it doesn't get super cold here, but we do have chilly day sometimes. Just please take a look at yourself in the mirror before you leave the house. I get pissed about this. I mean, how uncomfortable are those people? I can see it in their scared eyes. Jesus H.


lesley said...

lay off. it's really cold in my office.

Ro said...

cover-ups are acceptable, clayton. i'm talking pull-over hooded sweatshirts here.

cybulski said...

have you ever been to laredo or matamoros in august when its 156 F? well i have and let me tell you not a single mexican will be wearing anything other than jeans. real fucking macho and cool.