Friday, June 13, 2008

Area Codes

Mapped out by geology major Stefanie Gray, her "Rap Map of US Area Codes" maps out the area codes mentioned in Ludas' Area Codes song and comes up with her own conclusions from the data. Read the article here. It's funny. The part about the "ho belt" killed me.
As many of you know, I have a soft spot in my heart for the occasional rap album (the more ridiculous the better). Haha, I've always been a fan of Luda b/c his songs are super tight. I totally saw him perform this song live at U.T. the summer I came to school. Unreal.


Ro said...

"ludacris has hoes in the entire state of maryland."


Ro said...

p.s. luda is the glenn miller of our generation. haha that's so ridiculous.