Monday, September 15, 2008

ethnic kettle chips

Are you there, God? It's me, Anna. I just wanted to thank you for answering my prayers to somehow bring Kettle Chips back into my life. Okthxbai.

I have a serious love for Kettle Chips. Hello! They are delicious and scrumptious and provide togetherness at any gathering. Honestly, no bag of chips has been able to bring us closer. Well, I want to give mad props to E-Griff for this latest find. The most amazing new invention of our time. Screw multi-colored Nanos! The ethnic Kettle Chip has been bestowed upon us.

Ethnic, you ask? Well, the Kettle Chips folks have really outdone themselves. New flavors! SOMEONE PINCH ME. The packaging is also super sweet. I feel like I am about to open a secret prize box with my mystical fortune inside. Someone find where these are sold and mail me a package. I don't even care what flavor. There is even an Aztec chocolate flavor. Well, I'll be.

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