Thursday, May 1, 2008

face shake aka fay shay aka jowlin'


We here at Is This Tight? have all taken a face shake picture at one time or another. This is a part of our regular hang-out routine. AREN'T WE FUN? Basically, it consists of someone shaking his or her face rapidly while someone else takes the picture and captures the true beauty and grace of his or her soul on film. So tight. What really interests me though, is that face shaking happens all over the world, but it is referred to in different respects.


For instance, in the Midwest it is called "jowling." I really like this term quite a bit. In some other countries, it is known as "Shakeskin." WTF? Either way, we as a blog dominate this industry and I can't wait for the day that Wikipedia recognizes this as a legit topic for an article. Just so I can link to it.

I found some face shake websites that are pretty fun to look at for entertainment. Please look for the couple face shaking in front of the Taj Mahal on Jowlers. RIOT! Some of my favorite face shakes also involve props.

Also, I hope you enjoyed some of our finest. There are a ton more where that came from.



lesley said...

i've actually never face shaken, btw.

Ro said...

we are correcting this within the next 72 hours.