Tuesday, April 22, 2008


As many of you know, Casey has an insatiable sweet tooth that MUST BE SATISFIED after eating a meal. Sadly, I enable this shame-space almost every time and I think we might have gone too far last night. Consider it a rare occasion, or the great lengths we will go to for dessert, but we ended up driving 15 minutes out of the way JUST to get blizzards from that Dairy Queen on Manchaca/Stassney. BIG MISTAKE/BEST THING EVER. I went with my standard Chocolate Xtreme Blizzard, but Casey wanted to try something new. And as if the extensive menu of sweet treats was mocking her in the face, she instantly bypassed all deserts and went STRAIGHT to the longest pronounced dessert on the menu...The Chocolate Covered Strawberry Waffle Bowl Sundae. And of course, I had to repeat the name at least three times to the "slow" worker that couldn't hear me which made me feel even worse for ordering this behemoth. We had to document just how incredibly big this bowl of empty calories was and in conclustion...tons of shame, over-eating, stomach pains, wasteful containers, fake incredients, BUT Blizzards are so tight. I would never ever eat at Dairy Queen if given the choice for a meal, but when it comes to delicious ice cream treats there is no question where I'll drop a dime.


Chappell said...

This post was so good. I too am weary of any fast food chain that sells steak fingers. But let's be real--The deserts are the only reason to go to DQ. I'm so glad you had a camera to document that sundae that is so large, it has to rest in Casey's lap like a child. Congrats you two.

Bucho said...

haha yeah I figured it was a good thing to post about on earth day...I mean this isn't wasteful at all.

cybulski said...

i had chest pains just seeing this monstrosity of a dessert. last time i was at a dairy queen it was in waco in november. i got chicken tenders with a basket of fries. i managed to jack a bottle of unused ketchup from under the fountain drink then i ate my meal on a hood of a car while drinking beers.

Ro said...

once at dairy queen i ordered EXTRA texas toast. why god why, the texas toast is already large enough and ridic. my mom still talks fondly of dilley bars, tho. dilley bars are tight sluts.