Wednesday, October 28, 2009

halloween music edition #1

(Don't worry, I'm not posting "Thriller.")

How can it already be Halloween? Seriously. What are you going as for Halloween? Last year I was Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka. This year I'm going with Frida Kahlo after nixing my Ravi Shankar idea. Not quite ready to gender bend yet! The countdown to Saturday is on, so I thought I would provide you with some Halloween-ish tunes to get you amped.

Obvi, Francis Albert Sintra is a baller of his time. High waisted trouser pants need to make a comeback on dudes. This guy has like a million Grammys (approximately) and even won an Oscar. Beyonce only wishes. Sinatra started singing in the thirties with some swing guys like Tommy Dorsey. I listen to XM 40s on 4 in my car on the regular and I die when some Dorsey comes on. It's the best driving-to-work-early-in-the-morning-station. ANYWAY.

During the forties, Sinatra was king. I remember my grandmother saying one time that she always had a crush on Sinatra. Probs because of those blue eyes. Lady killer! He made an easy transition to sort of a swinger-type persona in the fifties. Hello, Vegas. During this time, he recorded "Witchcraft." THIS RELATES TO HALLOWEEN, GET IT? I really like Sinatra and I don't really like being scared so I want to make this Halloween Music Edition 2k9 #1.

Frank Sinatra - Witchcraft

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