Saturday, July 19, 2008

TOMS are tight

I love my TOMS. Today's post is all about how this shoe has changed my life. I have a pair of coral TOMS and gold glitter TOMS. Soon I hope to expand my empire to include black. For the school year, you know.

Seriously, the most comfortable shoe of all time. I know I can get a witness from Clayton on this. You can wear TOMS with anything and you look tight. Seriously, I've worn the gold ones with a fancy dress and it looks totally fine. The cool thing about TOMS is that for every pair ordered the company gives a pair of shoes to a child that doesn't have shoes at all. I think that's pretty tight. My question, however, is there a child running around somewhere in a pair of gold glitter moccasins? I guess that would be pretty outrageous and awesome. I'm happy now. They also make baby TOMS. Could you just die? Jaysus. So presh.


lesley said...

i would like to "amen" everything in this post. however, in the spirit of branching out, rather that purchase my third pair of TOMS, i bought a pair of pipers ( which i am confident will prove to be pretty damn tight once they arrive. i would like to point out though, that i almost didn't buy them, because they website font is papyrus.

lp said...

i love my toms, too. ;)