Monday, June 16, 2008

tight people of the day: martha reeves and the vandellas

So it's no secret that I love soul music. It's nearly impossible to narrow it down to a list of favorites, and I'm also discovering new great soul artists all the time. But one of the top groups that I just love and adore is Martha and the Vandellas. It doesn't get any better than this. Most people know a ton of their songs, but don't associate it with Martha and her group. Like, if I play "Dancing in the Street" clothes are coming to come off and sexy times might happen, but not many people would be screaming "I LOVE MARTHA." Unless it's our bloggers hanging out.

This group seriously defines Motown in my mind. They have an amazing and tough R&B sound that is so danceable it makes me nervous. We all know what happens when "Jimmy Mack" comes on at a party. Also, a couple of you on here know I'm serious about this band because I forced you to listen to "Heat Wave" all the way to Hot Springs, Arkansas. While I sang along. Sorry about that. I've included some samples. Once again, this band is perfect for the summertime and just generally giving you a good feeling of happiness.

Martha Reeves and the Vandellas - Quicksand

Martha Reeves and the Vandellas - A Love Like Yours (Don't Come Knocking Everyday)


Martha Reeves and the Vandellas - (Love Is Like A) Heat Wave)

1 comment:

cybulski said...

oddly enough it wasn't until i met my danish friend martin in 2004 while going to school in krakow that i really got into the motown genre of music. he had a four or five disc compilation that we would play non-stop while we ate, threw parties, recovered from hang overs, and talked. the music kind of morphed into a perpetual soundtrack to a lot of daily activities, the sounds of martha and the vandellas received the bulk of the airplay.