Friday, June 13, 2008

I Already Regret This Post

There's two things that come to mind upon viewing this recent picture of Taylor Hanson:

a.) What the f have you been up to these days besides raising 25 babies?
b.) Why does this picture look completely f'ed? I mean, is it just me or does his head look massive when compared to his torso and legs? It's as if someone got their hands on the warp tool in Photoshop.


lp said...

that photo is bizarre. it's like they stuck 'babies having babies taylor's' head on 'mmmmmbop taylor's' body.

he is quite pretty in person. i'm amazed you didn't catch hanson at sxsw this year! it was the hot ticket, missy!

i think they have a reality show coming up on a&e. won't that be fun.

Ro said...

how many kids is on now, srsly? a hanson reality show? those words are like pearls from heaven to my ears.