Tuesday, June 17, 2008

coldplay scandal

Lately, a few of us have been obsessed with Viva La Vida, the new Coldplay song playing every five minutes in that Apple commercial. But now this other band is claiming Coldplay stole their song. This happens a lot, but I never pay attention. This time, I perked up only because that song is like a dog whistle for me. Watch this and see what you think. I see the similarities, but I don't know. It seems like it COULD be possible that songs sound somewhat alike. I know there are an infinite amount of combos in music, but couldn't it happen sometimes? Take a listen.


jared said...

What the Crap? That sounds just like a song i wrote too!!!!!

Caso said...

hahaha dog whistle. so funny. i'm at home sick but really isthitight blog is making my day

Anonymous said...

I still stand behind Coldplay fully. I actually just saw them last night. The similarity between the sounds is merely coincidence. And now that the singer is in hot water over his claim about Coldplay, Creaky Boards or whoever they are are starting to change their story. Coldplay has far too much talent to copy someone. They do well enough on their own, as one can see by them selling millions of albums and the creaky boards not even being signed by a label.... its just a cheap idea to get oneself noticed. A lot of people stand tall beside Coldplay and support them.... as do I.