Wednesday, May 7, 2008

tight bites


These are tight. I want some for my classroom. Some Japanese designer made these animals for your bookshelf. The thing is, I feel like they are going to cost $350 when I could cut them by hand. But I can't cut straight because I have a shooting hand like the Waco Kid. (Anyone?)


In other news, John McCain is a bullshit artist. Um, duh? He's pretty much a nutbar. I know he's a war hero and everything. But does that automatically qualify you for the presidency? I mean, I don't know about you, but I don't want my Commander-in-Chief to have weird T-Rex arms.


Texans continue to disappoint me, somehow. Check out this lady in Houston. Ruh roh! This troubles me. Wouldn't you have someone check this before you left the house? Especially if you knew this might turn into a media event? Oh wait, she probably showed it to someone who didn't know how to read it, and therefore we really shouldn't be picketing for an official language, should we? Whatevs. I vote for an official language where we change all prepositions to just the word "pork chop" and you have to give a thumbs up after every question. That would be tight.


Finally, check out these cups! How rad are these!? They are made by a designer named Maxim Velokovsky and they are called the Fast Cup. They look like crappy plastic Solo cups that we all use at parties, however, they are made of glass! Who knew. I am into this. You would be all like, "Oh, hey, I'm just enjoying a nice Coors Light," and everyone thinks you are such a slob with your plastic cup but then it's really in a pint glass. Tight.

1 comment:

Sissy Emmons Hobizal said...

Or you are all like, come over to my fancy dinner with all this classy food and it looks like you've got solo cups on your dining room spread but actually that's high design ladies and gents...Kate Catterall has these, jealous city.