Monday, April 28, 2008

Today's "Who Actually Cares?" News

The media is in an uproar about the latest "scandalous" Miley Cyrus photos shot by Annie Leibovitz. Particularly this one:

Honestly, I'm not offended at all by this picture. If Miley wants to make me have flashbacks of getting my scoliosis check in the nurse's office during 7th grade, that's cool. I'm more freaked out about this one:

What 15 year-old girl poses for a photo, draped across her father's thigh, clutching his hand while he looks off into the sun? Seems more disturbing to me than that bone highway, Feed the Children photo above. I would never have a photo taken with my dad in that position. In fact, my dad and I were asleep in 70% of the pictures my mom took of us. Napping it out with your dad when you're 6 is a little more my speed.

This post is brought to you by my dad's badass sweater vest.


Sissy Emmons Hobizal said...

I heard it on the news this morning and so I turned it off.

Ro said...

who gives a pork loin, honestly? everyone is always going to get hot and bothered about something. i might be more mad if she was more fug.

lesley said...

seriously. not the first time.

EGriff said...

this is not even that great of a shot. its super boring. annie l. always does the same shit.

EGriff said...

cute pic of a young chappell though

lp said...

that billy ray/miley picture creeps me out.