Sunday, July 27, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
tight people of the day: junior walker & the all stars
I love this band. They are danceable and fun and soulful, but also marked by the amazing saxophone sounds of Junior Walker, and who doesn't love that? His sound defines these songs. They were big stars on the Motown label, and some of their biggest hits were produced by Berry Gordy. They are probably best known for the song "Shotgun" which makes me want to run around the house, mostly because the beginning really does sound like a gun being fired and I think I'm in Houston or something. I feel like this band is underrated, but maybe more people care about them than I think. Regardless, they are super tight and I encourage some listens.
Jr. Walker and the All Stars - What Does It Take (To Win Your Love)
Jr. Walker and the All Stars - Gotta Hold On To This Feeling
Jr. Walker and the All Stars - What Does It Take (To Win Your Love)
Jr. Walker and the All Stars - Gotta Hold On To This Feeling
Thursday, July 24, 2008
olympic mascot
I feel like the Olympics just happened. But then I realized that last time the summer Olympics took place I was in a hotel room in Port Aransas. Wait a minute! Some things never change. Seriously, though, this year's games snuck up on me. Four years ago I was in college, making $8 a hour coaching volleyball and cheerleading for kids (!!!), and had barely met many of the people who are my best friends now. Well, this isn't supposed to be a post about my life, so let's get to it. I was reading about the new Beijing Olympic mascot the other day and it totally blows.

I just think that's weird. I get the five creatures are the five rings and blah blah, but WHY? Lame. How basic and expected to have a panda? I'm bored. Apparently, even the mascot artist hates it. Dramz!
So, this mascot sucks, but look at these other Olympic mascots! Some of these are really tight.
Are we serious with a weiner dog mascot? The colors suck and I don't know why this was chosen to represent the 1972 Munich Olympic games, but still. Tight. His name is Waldi. How cute! I must admit I'm super curious about the thought process behind choosing a ween. I want to be in that conference room when a group of dudes sat around and decided that for the very first mascot, only a daschund would do. I like where their heads were at.

Now this is what I'm talking about. A beaver mascot! Look how haphazardly that Olympic banner is tied around his tum tum! I'm pissed slash happy that this was chosen for the 1976 Montreal games. I mean, it makes sense to have a beaver for a Canadian Olympics, I suppose. And beavs are badasses that work non-stop, so it can truly represent the diligence of all the athletes. All of this makes perfect sense to me. I just wish it didn't look so terribly shitty. I cut that out of felt with some first grade scissors that need to be sharpened. Is this the best they could do? This also looks suspiciously looks like a turtle on first glance. But I've also already had two gin and tonics, so maybe that's why. SIKE slash I'll let you decide if I'm kidding or not.

So, this mascot sucks, but look at these other Olympic mascots! Some of these are really tight.

Now this is what I'm talking about. A beaver mascot! Look how haphazardly that Olympic banner is tied around his tum tum! I'm pissed slash happy that this was chosen for the 1976 Montreal games. I mean, it makes sense to have a beaver for a Canadian Olympics, I suppose. And beavs are badasses that work non-stop, so it can truly represent the diligence of all the athletes. All of this makes perfect sense to me. I just wish it didn't look so terribly shitty. I cut that out of felt with some first grade scissors that need to be sharpened. Is this the best they could do? This also looks suspiciously looks like a turtle on first glance. But I've also already had two gin and tonics, so maybe that's why. SIKE slash I'll let you decide if I'm kidding or not.

You guys. I don't even know where to start. Obvi, this is the mascot made for the 2004 Athens games. A little ghey, if you ask me. These two wacky characters are supposed to be a fun-loving brother and sister team. Who let them outside barefoot like that? If I were their mother, they would be kept locked up. Awful. At least give the girl some eyelashes or earrings or something! I'm so mad at where the circle thingies are placed on her shirt, too. I mean, do we really need to do that? OH WAIT, yes we do, because I can't tell if that is a female or a lump of bread dough.
Of course I will tune in to the games. I love a lot of the summer events. I also love that they have provided me with opportunities to complain, which is my favorite hobby. I should create an event for bitching, because I would win a gold medal, canigetawitness?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
dark days
We are having trouble with our internetz. We can get it for short periods, but then it's out. So sad and not at all tight. Also, we are tearing this house apart preparing for our respective moves. So, I might have to put a short hold on LOL hilarity and other amazing posts that I know you all CAN'T WAIT TO READ. Sowwy! Excuse me, I'm going to go sit shiva.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
tight person of the day: lee fields
At my 22nd birthday party, Gav handed me a burned CD that simply said "Mr. Lee Fields. Listen to track 9 first." Boy, am I glad I did! It was a track of Lee Fields talking about SOUL, and how we need to bring music BACK, and remember to really FEEL IT. So tight. So I'm going to dedicate this post to Gav for introducing me to Mr. Lee Fields and all the tightness that comes along with him. Lee Fields is the type of singer that leaves his guts on the microphone. I can hear every single emotion in his voice, and I really like that. It's very likely he could be crying actual tears in some recordings because he just sounds so sincere.
Now, it's basically enough to just know that Lee Fields is a huge baller, but I always like to include a little information about the Tight Person of the Day. However, he is shrouded in mystery. I do know that Lee has been recording and performing since the seventies, and has recently been featured on singles on the Daptone and Truth and Soul labels (SOME OF MY FAVORITE LABELS). He has recorded with Sharon Jones. That combination needs to be photographed, filmed, and shown to elementary school students. Daaaaaaang!
Lee Fields - Honey Dove
Lee Fields - Problems
lee fields,
tight person of the day
Monday, July 21, 2008
tight person of the day: o.v. wright
This soul magician comes courtesy of iTunes. Yes, one day I was browsing through soul music and iTunes recommended this guy to me. Well, I took a chance and turns out, he's a baller. How does iTunes know me inside and out? It's like my secret boyfriend or something.
O.V. Wright is a Southern soul singer who just makes you feel good. His songs are simple and soulful and I really enjoy him. I was doing a little reading about O.V. and it turns out his birth name is Overton Vertis Wright. Whoa. O.V. started in gospel and turned out to be pretty good at it, before switching to secular music in 1964. The rest is history. He's a pretty underrated dude. I never read about him or see anything about him, but he's quite tight.
O.V. Wright - Born All Over
O.V. Wright - You're Gonna Make Me Cry
Here's O.V. in action. I love when singers are like, "Can I get a witness?" I want to run around screaming when that happens.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
bert and ernie = thug life
I love anything that has Muppets in it (I mean, HELLO) so I have to share this video of Bert and Ernie rapping to "Ante Up" by M.O.P. Just gets my goat a little to see Bert and Ernie get all hardcore and junk.
TOMS are tight
I love my TOMS. Today's post is all about how this shoe has changed my life. I have a pair of coral TOMS and gold glitter TOMS. Soon I hope to expand my empire to include black. For the school year, you know.
Seriously, the most comfortable shoe of all time. I know I can get a witness from Clayton on this. You can wear TOMS with anything and you look tight. Seriously, I've worn the gold ones with a fancy dress and it looks totally fine. The cool thing about TOMS is that for every pair ordered the company gives a pair of shoes to a child that doesn't have shoes at all. I think that's pretty tight. My question, however, is there a child running around somewhere in a pair of gold glitter moccasins? I guess that would be pretty outrageous and awesome. I'm happy now. They also make baby TOMS. Could you just die? Jaysus. So presh.
Seriously, the most comfortable shoe of all time. I know I can get a witness from Clayton on this. You can wear TOMS with anything and you look tight. Seriously, I've worn the gold ones with a fancy dress and it looks totally fine. The cool thing about TOMS is that for every pair ordered the company gives a pair of shoes to a child that doesn't have shoes at all. I think that's pretty tight. My question, however, is there a child running around somewhere in a pair of gold glitter moccasins? I guess that would be pretty outrageous and awesome. I'm happy now. They also make baby TOMS. Could you just die? Jaysus. So presh.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
something old i like #6: calvin and hobbes
Now, I realize Calvin and Hobbes isn't THAT old, but it did start in 1985, which means it's been around for a while and I love it. I have a couple of Calvin and Hobbes anthologies that I used to pore over as a kid and I have no shame about it. I used to pretend that all my stuffed animals were alive only to me. Nerd alert! If you aren't familiar with Calvin and Hobbes, then shame on you. Kidding! It's a comic strip created by the baller Bill Watterson. Calvin is a little turd, a nutcase kid who loves to track dirt on the carpet. Hobbes is his stuffed tiger toy, however, he appears real only to Calvin. They have conversations and play games and perform drug deals together. No, but still, they have a lot of fun. My favorite character is Miss Wormwood, Calvin's teacher. What a slut! Later in life, I realized she was probably a huge alcoholic and more than likely hated her job, but at the time I didn't know.
One of the things I always liked about C&H was that it never got too heavy for me to read. I didn't feel like I was dealing with office life/depression as in Dilbert and I didn't have to get too highly confused/agitated like with Doonesbury. Sometimes Calvin and Hobbes tried to make a point, but never threw it my face. I appreciate that. You might think there a million comics better than C&H, and that's ok. There is nothing as fun as being a kid and opening the Sunday paper and reading the big color comics. I loved seeing what Calvin and Hobbes would be up to that day.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
celebrity muppets
The heavens have sent me a gift and no, it wasn't a giant pack of sour gummi worms. It's celebrities that look like Muppets! Some of these are so tight. I mean, are we dead serious with that Al Roker comparison? I will also support anything that features Bruce Vilanch. That's how I got roped into watching one of the seasons of Celebrity Fit Club! So sue me! There is a Dr. Phil one on the source slideshow that had me rolling and also reminded me of my excellent Catchphrase Dr. Phil clues aka me just repeating YOU ARE AN IDIOT at the top of my lungs until someone guessed it. Check some of these out because they make me pee a little.
tight people of the day: the impressions
The Impressions are from Chicago, and are yet another example of fine soul happening. They are probably most famous for being the original group that Curtis Mayfield belonged to before leaving to fly solo in 1970. I have a serious thing for their album, This Is My Country. They are also tight because they seamlessly blend soul and gospel and other b.a. sounds to make one smooth delicious type of music that I want to butter my toast with. Anyway, I'm including two songs here that are tasty. This whole album is definitely worth checking out, though, mainly because there are so many superb Curtis Mayfield songs. I like his love songs. I mean, you are dead inside if you don't.
The Impressions - I'm Loving Nothing
The Impressions - They Don't Know
The Impressions - I'm Loving Nothing
The Impressions - They Don't Know
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
daily LOLdog hilarity
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
ruler tattoo
Here's a tattoo that really RULES. I'm just a jokester. Seriously, though this is a pretty good idea. This homeboy, Mikey Sklar, is a hardware designer. He always need rulers and tape measures on the job. Well, he took care of business. He got an 8-inch ruler tattooed on his forearm so he never has to keep track of junk again! I mean, how convenient is this if you needed to quickly measure something. I could sure use one of these when I'm getting my hair cut because somehow it always ends up being about three inches too short. I'm really impressed with awesome tattoos. This is pretty tight.
foto source
foto source
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
is anyone else concerned about this?
urban camouflage
I need to know if this is tight. Artist Desiree Palmen does these amazing fashions, called "urban camouflage." They are basically just clothes painted to blend in with the surroundings. She says her art is responding to a desire to disappear. Well, these certainly help with that if it's your goal. This is freaking me out/intriguing me big time. How long would the person have to stand there to make sure the outfit matches exactly? I want an outfit that matches the exact area where I stand when I'm on the overhead in my classroom. Like it would part of the white dry erase board, and the overhead, and my file cabinet. The kids would shit! I'm into this. There's some more at her site.
artistic endeavors,
urban camouflage
Monday, July 7, 2008
cheeta the chimp
Cheeta the chimpanzee is a special dude. He is a Hollywood legend. He appeared in the first Tarzan movie ever in 1932 and has been in twelve total. I said goddamn! Cheeta made a bit of a splash recently because his handlers were fighting to get him a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Well, I was reading about this baller the other day and it turns out he should feel happy even if he didn't get a star.
He just signed a record deal.
Supposedly, he plays piano but who knows. I'm so confused. There are so many issues here. First of all, how will he make a record? If I want to listen to a series of grunts, I'll lean against the men's bathroom door after Taco Night at Hole in the Wall, knowwuti'msayin? I'm a little pissed about this. But also somewhat hopeful. If Cheeta the chimp can get a record deal, maybe I can someday. Dreams can come true! Secondly, I'm sure Cheeta is really tight and everything, but he's a little old to be a rock star. Bitch is 76! He's going gray and probably has constipation issues. I mean, homeboy can't get the ladies anymore. Just sayin'. So, good luck, Cheeta. If you ever need a Tawny Kitaen look-alike for your music vid, give me a holla holla. Also, look out in October, because Cheeta is getting a ghost writer to help him write an autobiography. And if by help him, that means write the whole thing entirely for him because he's a CHIMP.
Here's Cheeta watching TV like the old fart he is.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Nieces are Tight

Check out this total baller. The timing of this photo was great as she had just made a "pucker"/"kissy-face" pose. Thankfully I was shoving my iPhone in her face at the time, lol. Watch out future dudes (or chicks) of 2K20, she'll be breakin' hearts left and right. Also, I wish it was still cool for me to wear themed holiday outfits according to the calendar. She pulls the looks off well enough for me though.
P.S. Guess who gave her those shades?! You know that's how I roll.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
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