Okay, so between my single-hour lunch breaks and this beastly heat, things are about to get Food Cart Central, which is undeniably tight. So I'll be providing reviews of our city's finer mobile restaurants as often as my schedule allows. Let's start with something killer:
Lulu B's Vietnamese Sandwiches. I know what you're thinking,
THERE ARE SANDWICHES IN VIETNAM??!?!?!?!??! adf dlfkj asdkfj I didn't know either, but apparently, it's a thing. Sarah and I have been two days in a row now, no lie.
Basic menu breakdown is sandwiches, vermicelli bowls, and summer rolls, with a supporting lineup of smoothies and bubble tea. Being devoutly opposed to bubble tea, I went straight for the smoothie list and proceeded to flip out over the prospect of an avocado smoothie (i know!). I don't know of another place in Austin that serves it and I gotta say, it's so, so tight. Theirs is nice and thick, but not too thick, with a little hint of lime.
The sandwiches are all pretty similar: your choice of protein on a baguette with a "traditional Vietnamese garnish of daikon, carrot, cucumber, cilantro, and chili." And really, that combo is all that matters. I get the feeling that all the choices are relatively similar, which does not make it rock any less. Stand-out for me was the lemongrass pork sandwich. It's just the right balance of spicy and fresh raw vegetables and is perfectly suited to sweating in your jeans under a tree in 100 degree heat (nice trees, too, by the way). But I'm also a sucker for fresh jalapeno and tableside
sriracha. As far as the veg option goes, the obit department is prepared to unofficially declare the lemongrass tofu as supreme.
Mint in the summer rolls is a huge plus. The avocado was so good, we got it again on day two instead of branching out. The peanut sauce is far better than you'd expect coming out of a cart, but it's also a little strong, if that's possible. I didn't use much of it.
They also:
happen to be adorable
recycle and use all compostable containers
offer a bring your own bag discount, and
remembered my name after one visit
Downer: cash only, but, alas, that is the way of the cart
Upper: they take call-in orders and have plenty of shaded tables
Overall rating: Super Tight, $$