There are few thing we love more than song talking here at Is This Tight. Over Thanksgiving, I was introduced to the ultimate. Isaac Hayes's version of By the Time I Get to Phoenix has an unprecedented NINE minutes of song talking, aka the entire first half of the track. Slowly, a new instrument is added every 30 seconds, resulting in a build up that only Isaac could give us. If you aren't losing it when the horns come in around the thirteen minute mark, THEN YOU AIN'T LIVIN'. Also of note, the heavy handed, organ chord that begins within the eleven minute mark. Go out and buy a vinyl of Hot Buttered Soul, ASAP. Then mail it to me.
Click to listen, right click to download.
Isaac Hayes - By the Time I Get To Phoenix
Issac is such an ultimate badass, that in the song, he actually announces, "I'm gonna moan now." As if he needs permission.
Also, only because I need to pay my respects to Anna Ro, Glen Campbell truly made this song famous and he deserves some street cred.
Yeah I agree, this album is pure awesomeness. In fact, Hyperbolicsyllabicsesquedalymistic on this album was one of the first songs I'd heard from him and I immediately fell hard. I constantly have the buckling waa-waa guitar and thick bass groove stuck in my noggin.
Good nod to Campbell, also huge nod to Public Enemy with their rendition of By The Time I Get To Arizona, giving a political twist on the classic tune.
this is a great post. thanks for the glen campbell. you know i love him.
I can dig it.
It's definitely an end-of-the-night kind of song. where everyone is sitting around and not sure whether they want to sick around or go home for the night.
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