So, GH was in a little known band. DOY! Do I even need to say it? He's by far my favorite Beatle, and I really like the Beatles a great deal. I mean, if you don't, you are pretty much dead inside. Fun fact: George was 26 at the last Beatles recording sesh. 26! How is this possible? I'm really close to that age and all I've managed to do is eat tons of bags of Goldfish and figure out that things really CAN be sorted by Kevin Bacon.
The thing I like about George, though, is that there is much more about him that is really very interesting. I mean, I love George for a ton of reasons. Everyone knows "Here Comes the Sun" and will probably jam to it on some Visa commercial or some junk, but there are more things to love about Georgie.
1. Personality
He seems like one of the most gentle people ever. I just can't imagine being around him and not feeling calm. Kinda like Blake. HELLO! I read I Me Mine by George a few months ago and the forward by his wife almost made me end it all. He just seems like a really amazing person. He was known as being "quiet" but in all the Beatles movies he really gets my goat. I was very, very saddened when he passed. His Hindu beliefs were all-around pretty tight.
2. All Things Must Pass
Um, has there ever been a better album? It's a f-ing triple album. I love this album in its entirety and leave it sitting out at the house a lot because I just like to look at it. I was so proud when I bought this album for the first time because I felt like I was saying thank you to George or something. This might be getting into creepy/corny territory but I don't really give a pig's pork loin because he is da man.
3. Concert for Bangladesh
So this is one of my favorite movies ever. I mean, I'm serious. I love so many parts of this concert film, but no moment tops when he started singing "Here Comes the Sun" and the audience is getting pumped and he gets this happy smile on his face. Also, how can you beat Georgie and Bobby Dylan and Leon Russell on a stage together? I hope most people on this blog have seen this. If not, we are buying some Kettle Chips and watching this asap. (also Billy Preston, a former Tight Person of the Day, makes an appearance in this flick.)
4. Traveling Wilburys
There are some other huge badasses in this group, as we all know. But how cool is this? Once, Gav sent me some sweet doc on these dudes and George said some funny stuff. All I have to say, my childhood summers consist of my dad blasting "Handle Me With Care" while I did jumps over and over in the pool. Nothing compares to this, so it's another reason I love him purely and dearly.
I hope you get a chance to think about George today. He has earned his tightness.
okay, now we've got to bring up that time that he was the musical guest to PAUL EFFING SIMON's hostingness on a 1976 saturday night live. the night of that killer turkey costume no less. LOOK IT UP.
I think it's also time to bring up how I'm marrying his son lol. What a great relationship that will be. Marrying someone cause you think their dad was a badass.
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